Time to Lift the Rug Up!
Due to the universal/planetary/human shift taking place and the nature of the heightened frequencies coming onto the planet, within our DNA and cellular structure, it is effecting us on all levels of Being. Some of the blocks that keep us from being our authentic Souls in human form here also may originate from false beliefs we've picked up from past lives that we brought into this lifetime and if you think about this for a moment, every time we enter a new incarnation we bring with us what we did not learn before yes?
Now this makes perfect sense because the accumulation of all we have ever been carries fragments that has been out of alignment with our Souls. It is this part of us that calls us to transform in order for us to FULLY release the density that our false beliefs create, that hold us down, that prevents us from our inner growth as Souls in human form.
Now I'm sure you are aware that prior to incarnating we pick the best most perfect family and circumstances to enter into that will cause us to grow, learn and see more about ourselves and how we are making the choices in each moment from these experiences and circumstances that direct our lives. And actually most times if not all, the family members we join with are Souls we have known and been with many times before and the reason for our return with them and visa versa is to complete what was not done before.........and on a Soul level this is all done in a state of unconditional love, though it may appear the opposite to us down here in human form at the time.
Years ago began a journey of tracing the false beliefs of my inner child, though most of my false beliefs could be traced to certain events or programming that took place in my childhood.......This bit of detective work led beyond that straight to my Mind where actually ALL our tapes have been accumulated and stored for eons and is filtered down daily into our conscious mind, this aspect of us that steps in place when we do automatic daily things like driving, writing, cooking, whatever we just automatically do without thinking.
The Mind is also where the ego is stored. The ego is the survival primitive part of self.
Individual and planetary habits, individual and planetary conditioning are, aside from this lifetime, inherited from humanities ancient past and existing within that is the survival consciousness of our ego. Subconscious habits of wanting to feel safe and secure instead of taking creative risks. Hence, we are operating within habits of consciousness that has been so deeply engrained within us all, most often we are completely unaware.
What happened in this lifetime.....though under different circumstances and environment than my past lives, nevertheless still set up the same lessons for me.....just under a different guise. So when it came to the childhood experiences in this lifetime, naturally it brought up the opportunity for me to learn more about myself BUT did not originate here........
When I began to go to my Mind where I discovered the true location of all the false beliefs and tapes and developed a deep rapport......I discovered all aspects of the Mind really likes to have major control in our daily lives.
So I asked my Mind what it's trip was.........and it came right out and said it did not like being out of control of my life, in fact it felt it was it's job to be in control and I had never done anything about it so what was my trip all of a sudden!
Now to show a prime example of how much power I've given my Mind over the years...........I was in deep meditation about a week ago with the intention of deepening my rapport with my Light Body or what is also known as MindBody.
And I could not do it........I spent a good 45 minutes trying to make the connection. I shifted into observer and discovered what was taking place in my experience was my Mind was interfering with anything it could get its thoughts on........and after complete frustration I asked why the blocks and it came straight out and said it does not want me to develop this rapport because then I will remember more about myself and why I am here and take the control away that it has had in this entire lifetime.
Well, I sat completely stunned. Of course I was looping, because no matter how many years I did inner work, my conscious Mind was still feeding me false beliefs and more than going out of it's way to provide evidence for them, I mean after all our Minds hold all of our experiences, so it had a whole slew of storehouses of evidence it could provide to keep me in this loop.......AND I DISCOVERED DISTRACTED!!! For the more I looped, the less I would look at the true source.
Working with our Minds is something that is foreign to most.......Not many people on this planet know what the Mind really is, they know what our brains are, but not the Mind and the Mind is unlimited and infinite in its vastness, power and knowledge. It is our storehouse of all that we have ever been or will be.......polarity speaking......good or bad.
In summary, we have experienced what we have because of what we needed to remember about ourselves and this goes back into many lives, not limited to only this one lifetime........And if you have the courage to take a deep look "under your rug" you might also see it would be quite ignorant of us to think we learned all that we needed to in our past lives........If this were the case, we would not be here.
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